Take the log out of my eye
As I
pondered in my prayer time this morning, I asked, as always, for direction, for
making me more like the One I follow, for hearing the still small voice telling
me which way to go.
As I sent
out the thought, “Please help me be the kind of person You want me to be,” my
next thought was, “Not like so-and-so; he is so angry and bitter and unloving,
I don’t want to be like that” and this flashed through my mind:
Because I know people who are so bitter about the recent election that they are speaking angry, vicious, even violent words against others who feel differently. And my self-righteous, quickly banished thought was, that is not the way. Not helpful, not loving, and for Christ followers, not His way.
A very dear young person in my life said before the election, “You’ll hate me if I vote for the other side.” I said, no, honey, I try not to hate anyone; many people who I care for very much are on the other side, including family, friends, co-workers, and church members. You can disagree without hating. And I’ve tried not to call them idiots, ignorant, deluded, stupid, uneducated…like so many have on both sides. I call them people who believe differently. And I hope they do the same for me.
The same young adult said that I “shove my opinions in others’ faces”. I really hope I haven’t come off that way. I have really been trying not to.
Throughout this presidential campaign, I have shared a great deal of information, mostly on Facebook, because I thought my friends may enjoy it, and some of them were still undecided and could use some more information. I read each of the articles and verified their source and whether they had been fact-checked. I attempted as well as I could not to share anything containing personal attacks, or anything offensive or nasty. I saw myself as a filter of information for others, hoping they too would share. I avoided writing about the other candidate’s religion, albeit having “unusual” beliefs and rituals, knowing that ALL religions are strange, and the door is open for criticism of my own as well.
I remembered the things said about the other candidate during the last election and about the previous president. I did not want to be that sort of vessel. I did not want to get into any mean-spirited debates. And most of all, if my chosen candidate lost, I did not want to become a bitter, angry person spouting things like “I’m going to Canada!” (not possible), “We should just split into two countries, Red and Blue” (not going to happen) or horrible things about our new leader. I hoped that both sides could come together to work on solving our common problems rather than fostering even more divisiveness. And if my candidate won, I hoped I would avoid gloating.
For many progressives call evangelicals “Pharisees”, hypocritical, holier-than-thou…but at times we have our own brand of self-righteousness. A Druid/Christian priest once told me, even Pagans have their fundamentalists.
And when Jesus said, “Take the log out of your own eye,” I don’t think he meant, “Tell other people to take the logs out of their eyes”, but to look inside ourselves and start working there.