Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Silver crown

It falls like a flurry in the autumn night

Upon the naked brown trees

A sparkle here and there

Decorating the dark landscape

Its color white, not gray

Wizened ancestors honored at its arrival

It will not be plucked

Or wished away


Or flown to a warmer clime

Shrouded in a darker hue

Or fretted about in shame

As winter approaches

The layer grows thick

White mantle of age

Flowing around the mind

Its beauty forgotten

By some, but not all

I will not send them away

These wisps of white

In the autumn of life

I will not waste a second

Changing them back

And I do not judge

Those who choose to change back

That is their choice, and it’s fine

But not mine

I have earned every single one

And wear them proudly

As a silver crown of honor

As an elder of my tribe

And one who gratefully accepts

That the gift of long life

Far surpasses the alternative